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Sinclair Models

Original Price

ZX Spectrum with grey keys

ZX Spectrum
Issue 1

The original ZX Spectrum had a grey rubber keyboard which pressed down on a touch sensitive matrix similar to its predecessor, the ZX81.
Standard R.A.M. was 16K or 48K. Sinclair memory upgrade was a small pcb which plugged in on top of the motherboard P.C.B.
Was originally supplied with ZX Power Supply, 2 x 3.5mm tape leads, RF (aerial) lead and 'HORIZONS' demonstration cassette by Psion.
£125 (16K RAM)3
£175 (48K RAM)3

Both prices exclude postage & packing @ £4.993

ZX Spectrum with blue keys

ZX Spectrum
Issues 2 onwards

Significant PCB upgrade. Was originally supplied with ZX Power Supply, 2 x 3.5mm tape leads, RF (aerial) lead and 'HORIZONS' demonstration cassette by Psion.

ZX Spectrum Plus

ZX Spectrum+

Upgraded keyboard.

ZX Spectrum Plus 128

ZX Spectrum+ 128K

First 128K model.

Amstrad models

Original Price

ZX Spectrum Plus 2

ZX Spectrum +2

This was the first Sinclair branded computer from Amstrad. Whilst the external appearance of the +2 is unsurprisingly similar to Amstrad's CPC464, apart from a few code changes in ROM, it is almost the same computer as the Sinclair 128K model.

Note: This was the only Spectrum computer to be produced in a grey plastic case.

ZX Spectrum Plus 3

ZX Spectrum +3

The only ZX Spectrum model to have a built-in 3" disk drive.

no image available

ZX Spectrum +2A/B

Cassette version of the +3, similar in appearance to the orginal +2 but with a black plastic case.

Timex models

no image available

Timex Computer 2048


Timex Sinclair 2068

T/S 2068

The US version of the ZX Spectrum is designed to run on the NTSC TV system. It has 4 screen modes, although all except the standard display are really only accessible through machine code.

There is a ROM cartridge slot to the right of the keyboard. The cartridges for this are not compatible with the ZX Interface 2 as they are of a completely different design. A sound chip with 3 channels is included and there are a few new keywords at the expense of some of the lesser used characters found on the Spectrum.


Original Price

Investronica Spectrum 128K

Investronica Spectrum+ 128K

pictured with monitor, printer and keypad

Spanish version of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum+ 128K.
50000 pts1


1. "The Spectrum with No Name", Your Spectrum, December 1985 p.18
2. "Souped up Spectrum", Personal Computer News, 8th December 1983 p.25
3. "The world's best personal computer for under £500" - advert, Sinclair, August 1982 p.11

External Links

HORIZONS by Psion at World of Spectrum

Last Revision : 25/05/2024